All my Projects

Petalminder (Final Year Project)

A mobile application integrating with IoT, that allows users to track their plants, receive reminders to water them, and diagnose plant diseases.


Blog Platform

A Next.js blogging platform that allows users to create, edit, and share their blogs using Markdown.

Next.jsReactTailwindCSSNextAuth.jsMongoDBAWS S3


A web application similar to wordle, but 'cheat-proof' developed in second year of university. The daily word is generated from a database and compared to the guessed word.

JavaScriptSQLiteNode.jsExpressREST API

Habit Tracker

A simple habit tracker built in a team of 5 for a university project. Users can track their habits, set goals, and receive rewards.

KotlinAndroid StudioTeam collaboration

Plane Story Mobile Game

A mobile game built for a university project. This is an adventure based mobile game, in which you are taken through the story of a plane crash and the events that occur afterwards

Android StudioJava